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Name: Biao Jin (金彪) 

Title: Associate Professor




Education Background: 

Sept.2009 to Feb.2014                  

Ph.D. in Environmental Geosciences  

(summa cum laude)  

Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany 

Sept. 2007 to Aug. 2009 

M.Sc. Applied Environmental Geoscience  

Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany 

Sept. 2003 to Jun. 2007 

B.Sc. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering 

Wuhan University, China  


Professional Experiences 

Oct. 2017 to present 

Senior Researcher  


Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,  

Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Oct.2014 to Sept. 2017 


Technical University of Denmark, Denmark  

Feb. 2014 to Sept. 2014 


Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany 

Research Interests:

My research focus is to understand biochemical and physical processes that influence the fate and distribution of organic contaminants in different compartments of aquatic environments. Groundwater organic contaminants including petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents and pesticides are the target compounds of my investigation. I apply compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) to track concentration and isotopic gradients (i.e. δ13C, δD and δ37Cl) during organic contaminants degradation and transport processes. Furthermore, I design controlled experiments and conduct modeling studies to investigate the isotopic evolution of organic contaminants in complex environmental systems.  

Recent Publications:

Persistent and mobile toxics (PMT)

1. Huang, C., Jin, Biao*, Han, M., Yu, Y., Zhang, G. and Arp, H.P.H. The distribution of persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) pharmaceuticals and personal care products monitored across Chinese water resources. Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters, 2021, 100026.

2. Jin Biao*; Huang C.; Yu Y.; Zhang G.; Arp H. P. H.*, The Need to Adopt an International PMT Strategy to Protect Drinking Water Resources. Environmental Science & Technology 2020,54(19), 11651-11653.

3. Liu Y.; Mekic M.; Carena L.; Vione D.; Gligorovski S.; Zhang G.; Jin Biao*, Tracking photodegradation products and bond-cleavage reaction pathways of triclosan using ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry and stable carbon isotope analysis. Environmental pollution 2020, 264, 114673-114673.

4. Chen, W., Chen, Y., Huang, H., Lu, Y., Khorram, M.S., Zhao, W., Wang, D., Qi, S., Jin Biao*. and Zhang, G. Occurrence of N-Nitrosamines in the Pearl River delta of China: Characterization and evaluation of different sources. Water Research 2019,164, 114896.


Compound specific stable isotope analysis and applicationsCSIA:

1. Liu, Y., Liu, S., Wang, Q., Gligorovski, S., Zhang, G. and Jin, Biao* Stable chlorine isotope analysis of triclosan using GC-qMS: Method development and applications. Applied Geochemistry 2021, 129, 104961.

2. Jin Biao*, Zhang, J., Xu, W., Rolle, M., Liu, J. and Zhang, G. Simultaneous determination of stable chlorine and bromine isotopic ratios for bromochlorinated trihalomethanes using GC-qMS. Chemosphere 2020,264, 128529.

3. Jin Biao, Ivonne Nijenhuis, Rolle Massimo, Simulation of dual carbon–bromine stable isotope fractionation during 1,2-dibromoethane degradation. Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies, 2018,418-434.

4. Jin Biao; Rolle, M., Joint interpretation of enantiomer and stable isotope fractionation for chiral pesticides degradation. Water Research 2016, 105, 178-186.

5. Jin Biao; Rolle, M., Position-specific isotope modeling of organic micropollutants transformation through different reaction pathways. Environmental Pollution 2016, 210, 94-103.

6. Jin Biao; Haderlein, S.B.; Li, T.; Rolle, M., Diffusive fractionation of BTEX and chlorinated ethenes in aqueous solution: Quantification of spatial isotope gradients. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 6141–6150.

7. Jin Biao; Rolle, M., Mechanistic Approach to Multi-Element Isotope Modeling of Organic Contaminant Degradation. Chemosphere 2014, 95, 131-139.

8. Jin Biao; Haderlein, S.B.; Rolle, M., Integrated carbon and chlorine isotope modeling: applications to chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons dechlorination. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, 1443-1451.

9. Jin Biao; Laskov, C.; Rolle, M.; Haderlein, S. B., Chlorine Isotope Analysis of Organic  Contaminants Using GC-qMS: Method Optimization and Comparison of Different Evaluation Schemes. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45, (12), 5279-5286.
