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Name: Ruiqin Yi

Title: Special Research Professor




2024.01–now Special Research Professor, GIGCAS, China

2020.02–2020.10 Postdoctoral fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

2019.06–2019.07 Visiting scientist, University of New South Wale, Australian

2016.02–2023.12 Research Scientist, Earth-Life Science Institute, Japan

2012.10–2015.09 Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, Tottori University, Japan

2010.10–2012.09 M.S., Organic Chemistry, Tottori University, Japan

2006.09–2010.07 B.S., Chemistry Engineering and Technology China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China

Research Interests:
 Origins of Life; Astrobiology; Chemical Evolution; RNA World.

Recent Publications:

1. Yi R*., Mojica M., Fahrenbach A.C., Cleaves H.J., Krishnamurthy R.*, Liotta C.L.* (2023). Carbonyl Migration in Uronates Affords a Potential Prebiotic Pathway for Pentose Production. JACS Au. 3(9), 2522-2535 (Featured on the front cover).

2. Yi R.*, Jia T.Z., Meringer M., Marshall L.K., Chen C., McGlynn S.E., Fahrenbach A.C. and Cleaves II H.J.* (2023). Alternating co-synthesis of glycol nucleic acid (GNA) monomers with dicarboxylic acids via drying. ChemComm. 59(45), 6865-6868.

3. Yi R.*, Kern R., Pollet P., Lin H., Krishnamurthy R.*, Liotta C.L.*(2023). Erythrose and Threose: Carbonyl Migrations, Epimerizations, Aldol, and Oxidative Fragmentation Reactions Under Plausible Prebiotic Conditions. Chemistry—A European Journal. 29(8), e202202816.

4. Tran Q.P., Yi R., Fahrenbach A.C.* (2023). Towards a prebiotic chemoton–nucleotide precursor synthesis driven by the autocatalytic formose reaction. Chemical Science. 14(35), 9589-9599.

5. Chen C.*, Yi R., Igisu M., Sakaguchi C., Afrin R., Potiszil C., Kunihiro T., Kobayashi K., Nakamura E., Ueno Y., Antunes A., Wang A., Chandru K., Hao J., Jia T.Z.*(2023). Spectroscopic and Biophysical Methods to Determine Differential Salt‐Uptake by Primitive Membraneless Polyester Microdroplets. Small methods. 2300119.

6. Yi R., Tran Q.R., Ali S., Yoda I., Adam Z.R., Cleaves H.J., Fahrenbach A.C.*(2020). A continuous reaction network that produces RNA precursors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117(24)13267-13274.

7. Sanden S.A.*, Yi R., Hara M., McGlynn S.E.*(2020). Simultaneous synthesis of thioesters and iron–sulfur clusters in water: Two universal components of energy metabolism. ChemComm. 56(80),11989-11992.

8. Hammer P.G., Yi R., Yoda I., Cleaves II H.J., and Callahan M.P.*. Radiolysis of Solid-State Nitrogen Heterocycles Provides Clues 1 to their Abundance in the Early Solar System. (2018). International Journal of Astrobiology, 18(4), 289-295.

9. Yi R., Hongo Y. and Fahrenbach A.C.*(2018). Synthesis of imidazole-activated ribonucleotides using cyanogen chloride. ChemComm. 54(5), 511-514.

10. Yi R., Hongo Y., Adam Z.R., Fahrenbach A.C.*(2018). Radiolytic synthesis of cyanogen chloride, cyanamide and simple sugar precursors. ChemistrySelect. 3(36),10169-10174.
