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International Projects
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Introduction: International academic exchange and cooperation TEXT SIZE: A A A

In 2008, GIGCAS received experts and scholars from 12 countries including USA, UK, Germany, Russia, Belgium, Israel, Canada, Australia, Finland, India, Korea, Japan, and 3 regions inclusive of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, which totals 148 people times in 51 batches.

Also in 2008, GIGCAS dispatched 75 people times in 55 batches to 14 countries including USA, UK, France, Germany, Dutch, Norway, Iceland, Australia, Italy, Canada, Singapore, the Philippines, India and Japan, and 3 regions inclusive of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, to participate in academic conferences or to carry out cooperative researches or scientific explorations.

In 2008, GIGCAS hosted 4 international conferences and 1 bi-party symposium.

As appraised and approved by the CAS Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs, Joint Laboratory of Chemical Geodynamics was founded by GIGCAS in cooperation with Hong Kong University.

In 2008, GIGCAS initiated more than ten international cooperative projects. The innovation team led by Vice President XU Yigang was awarded an International Cooperative Partner Program-sponsored project titled “Tectono-magmatism and mineralization system”, which secures funding totaling 6 million RMB from both CAS and State Bureau of Foreign Expert Affairs. Additionally, Prof. WANG Xinming, in cooperation with Hong Kong Environmental Protection Agency, initiated a project titled “Volatile organic pollutants and their photochemical effects in the Pearl River Delta Region”, which secures funding totaling one million Hong Kong Dollars. Prof. YING Guoguang initiated a project titled “An integrated analytical method of validity assessment indices for pesticide administration practice”, which secures funding totaling 5000 euro from International Atomic Agency. 

Foreign study and talent education

In 2008, seven projects for foreign study with public funding was secured from the State Foundation for Foreign Study, six projects for foreign study with public funding was secured from the CAS Bureau of Human Resources and Education, while Dr. YUAN Peng was conferred the CAS LU Jiaxi Young Talent Award. 

In 2008, two Ph.D. candidates of Rutgers University came to the State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry (SKLOG) for a three-month training program. They were doing analytical research of environmental pharmaceutical compounds by using the high pressure liquid phase mass spectrometer housed in SKLOG. 

By means of the cooperative programs between Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), one Indian graduate student came to GIGCAS as a Ph.D. candidate, while another Nigerian student came to GIGCAS for Ph.D. training on a joint tutorial basis. Additionally, multiple graduate students from the Department of Earth Sciences of Hong Kong University came to our Isotope Laboratory to do experiments. In this way, from dispatching students to study in foreign countries to receiving foreign students on a joint training basis, GIGCAS has developed to a new stage in terms of talent cultivation. 

In 2008, GIGCAS signed a memorandum for cooperative development between GIGCAS and CUT, i.e., Curtin University of Technology in Australia. According to this memorandum, one party can dispatch graduate students reciprocally to the other party on a joint training basis, while for GIGCAS graduate students of honor, Curtin University of Technology would recognize their credits earned in China and confer CUT degrees to those who can successfully defend their theses.

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