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  Research Hightlights
Modeling and multidisciplinary constraints on the post-Paleocene subduction h... [06/30/2023]
Chinese Isotope Geochemist Receives CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Award [05/29/2023]
Scientists Develop Electrokinetic Mining Technology for Rare Earth Elements R... [11/16/2022]
Chinese Scientists Discover Ubiquitous, Increasing Ferric Iron on Lunar Surface [11/16/2022]
Photochemical SO2 conversion on building surfaces contribute to air pollution... [10/10/2022]
Oxidized sub-arc mantle revealed by Cu/Zr systematics of global arc volcanics [03/24/2022]
Origin of potassic post-collisional volcanic rocks in young, shallow, bluesch... [08/20/2021]
Ionic strength effects on heterogeneous processes enhances the formation of ... [06/22/2021]
Interactions of organosulfates with water vapor under sub- and super-saturate... [06/07/2021]
Discovery of primitive CO2-bearing fluid in an aqueously-altered carbonaceous... [04/23/2021]
Isotope geochemists from Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry developed a new ... [07/07/2020]
Identification of some new oxygenated precursors of botryococcanes in oilshal... [04/07/2020]
Transition from Nuna Breakup to Rodinia Assembly [01/10/2020]
THIRD CIRCULAR The 10th International Conference on Petroleum Geochemistry an... [05/06/2019]
SKLOG Open Research Fund Call for Proposals (2019) [12/18/2018]
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