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Name: Christina Yan Wang (王焰)

Title: Professor

Phone: 020-85291803



2002-2006    The University of Hong Kong,    PhD in Magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) Sulfide Deposits and mafic-ultramafic intrusions

1997-2001 Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD in VMS deposits and basalts

1990-1993    Northwest university, Xi'an, China, Msc in Mineralogy

1986-1990    Northwest University, Xi'an, China, Bsc in Geology

Research Interests:

I have been working on geochemistry of mafic-ultramafic intrusions and associated Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide deposits and Fe-Ti-V oxide deposits. The research work is aimed to resolve the factors controlling on the segregation of sulfide liquid or oxide melt from the magma and where and why the sulfide liquid or oxide minerals with the metals Ni, Cu, PGE, Ti and V collect. Current research projects include the origin of magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide deposits and Fe-Ti-V oxide deposits in the Emeishan large igneous province of SW China, origin of Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide deposits in the central Asian orogenic belt in North China. These projects involve geochemistry of platinum-group elements and mineral chemistry of olivine, chromite, sulfide and Fe-Ti oxides and focus on the processes of fractionation of magmas in the formation of Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide deposits and Fe-Ti-V oxide deposits.

Recent Publications:

 1. Xing C.-M., Wang C.Y.*, Charlier B. Namur O. 2022. Ubiquitous dendritic olivine constructs initial framework of mafic magma chambers. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 594: 117710

 2. Chen C, Yao Z.-S., Wang C.Y.* 2022. Partitioning behaviors of cobalt and manganese along diverse melting paths of peridotitic and MORB-like pyroxenitic mantle. Journal of Petrology 63: egac021

 3. Tan W., Reddy S.M., Fougerouse D., Wang C.Y.*, Wei B., Xian H.Y. Yang Y.P., He H.P. 2022. Superimposed microstructures of pyrite in auriferous quartz veins as fingerprints of episodic fluid infiltration in the Wulong lode gold deposit, NE China. Mineralium Deposita

 4. Tan W., Wang C.Y., Reddy S.M., He H.P., Xian H.Y., Xing C.M. 2022. Magnetite-rutile symplectite in ilmenite records magma hydration in layered intrusions. American Mineralogist 107: 395-404

 5. Wang M.X., Wang C.Y., Tan W. 2022. Compositional evolution of interstitial liquid after onset of abundant Fe-Ti oxide crystallization in crystal mush: Insights from late-stage microstructures and mineral compositions of the Bijigou layered intrusion, Central China. Journal of Petrology 63: egac025

 6. Cao Y.H., Wang C.Y. 2022. Contrasting oxidation states of low-Ti and high-Ti magmas control Ni-Cu sulfide and Fe-Ti oxide mineralization in Emeishan Large Igneous Province. Geoscience Frontiers 13: 101434
