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  Research Hightlights
Scientists Discover Possible Mantle Mineral [12/05/2018]
The 10th International Conference on Petroleum Geochemistry and Exploration i... [10/24/2018]
DNA Stable Isotope Probing in E-Waste Contaminated Soil Reveals Novel PCBs De... [09/29/2018]
The Effect of Elemental Sulfur and Sulfur-bearing Minerals on the Evolution o... [09/20/2018]
A newly discovered Shangchen palaeolithic locality indicates Hominin occupati... [07/12/2018]
How did Northeastern Tibetan Plateau grow and deform? A possibility [06/04/2018]
A New Mechanism for Natural Diamond Formation [03/01/2018]
Considering the Impact of the Indoor Chemistry Cocktail [02/11/2018]
Indoor Atmospheric Chemistry: An Emerging Global Concern [02/09/2018]
Isotope constraints on nitrogen sources and turnover processes in the Pearl R... [11/21/2017]
What caused the Neoproterozoic mantle plume and subsequently breakup the Supe... [10/16/2017]
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Chinese forest soils [07/28/2017]
Crust Generation Rates Strongly Non-uniform Within Long-lived Accretionary Or... [06/01/2017]
Novel Keggin-Al30 Pillared Montmorillonite Synthesized [05/23/2017]
Novel Representative Active PHE Degrader Identified and Isolated from Indigen... [05/03/2017]
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